Durango Holistic Veterinary Care
Veterinary Acupuncture and Complimentary Medicine.
Animas means souls, breath, and life. At Animas Animals we treat your pet body and soul to ease pain as well as emotions. The doctors at Animas Animals work to improve the quality of each animal’s life using acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine, therapeutic laser, essential oils, homeopathic medicine, and nutrition. Bring your best friend to our quiet home office for a pleasant rejuvenation.
(970) 570-9560
About Our Services
We spend 90 minutes on your initial visit. This includes gathering a medical history (with any x-rays and laboratory test), and questions about your pet’s personality. We examine the animal’s tongue, gums, eyes, ears, nose, skin, and feel the acupoints, joints, abdomen, and limbs as required to check for pain and any abnormalities. We may listen to the heart and lungs, and take a temperature if needed. From this information we make a traditional Chinese veterinary medical pattern diagnosis. An animal’s pattern describes the imbalance to treat. Treatment may include acupuncture, electro-acupuncture, and/or cold laser therapy. We also discuss diet and make food recommendations to treat the pattern imbalance. The animal’s pulses tell us a great deal. We use the pulses to guide us in determining the best herbal formulas, foods, medications, and supplements, and we prescribe these accordingly. *
• Initial Visit: $135 (herbal formulas and supplements cost extra).
• Repeat Acupuncture: $105 (Brief Cold Laser Treatment at time of Repeat Acupuncture: $15).
• Cancer Treatment: (1-3 acupoints) $65-$105, with treatments recommended monthly.
• Cold Laser Treatment: $65-$100 depending upon complexity of treatment.
• Nutrition Consult: $100
*Please bring samples of anything your pet eats, or a list of ingredients. Also bring any supplements and medications used.
A Pug dog receives electro-acupuncture for spinal disc disease.
Veterinary Acupuncturists


What We Do

Previous patients include: dogs, cats, horses, llamas, alpacas, cattle, sheep, goats, rabbits, birds and iguanas.

As veterinarians trained in both western and eastern medicine, we offer a holistic approach. We treat the physical body and the nonphysical emotions as well.

Low level laser, or cold laser, is used in two ways: 1) to treat acupoints in animals that do not like needles, and 2) to treat joint pain. Cold laser therapy increases circulation, stimulates wound healing, reduces inflammation, and relieves pain.

Stimulation of acupoints with needles cause the release of chemicals from the body’s pharmacy. It brings about an increase in the circulation of blood, relieves pain, improves organ function, and calms the mind.

Chinese herbal formulas have been used for thousands of years. We have over 20 years of experience using these medications in daily practice.

Food is medicine. Each nutrient has energetic properties that may warm, cool, drain damp, moisten, move blood, or increase energy. We are certified veterinary food therapists with the Chi Institute of Chinese Medicine.

A black cat receives therapeutic laser on joints and acupoints.

A terrier enjoys therapeutic laser for psoas muscle pain.

A dog with acupuncture needles in BL-2 acupoints for relief from eye pain and inflammation.
Oral cancer in a Golden Retriever before and two months after Chinese herbal therapy.
The Spiritual Nature of Animals: A Country Vet Explores the Wisdom, Compassion, and Souls of Animals
For more than 20 years, Dr Stange has studied what the world’s religious, scientific, and spiritual teachings say about animals in order to better understand their spiritual nature. In addition, she has gathered information from the animals themselves while working as an ambulatory veterinarian in southwestern Colorado. She consolidated the information from her fascinating journey into a memoir that has been published by New World Library.
The goal of this book is to better understand the non-physical makeup of animals for the highest good of animal care, the human-animal bond, and the well-being of all concerned.

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Book Reviews

I am beginning to read it now and savoring the stories and wisdom Karlene Stange brings to her readers. I’m planning to recommend her book to the …Bookshop and to book groups.
